Community Guidelines offers fictional roleplaying powered by completely open-source third-party AI models that operate without built-in censorship, allowing for vast creative potential. All content here - including roleplays, characters, scenarios, and interactions - is entirely fictional and separate from reality.

While users are free to explore their imagination, the following community guidelines have been established to ensure legal compliance and a safe environment for all users:

No sexualization of minors

No hate speech or discrimination

No extreme violence or gore

No animal abuse or bestiality

No promotion of real-world harm or illegal activities

No extremely offensive or obscene content

No characters or roleplays based on real individuals

No copyrighted content

Reporting Issues:

This site uses both automated systems and human review to monitor content for guideline violations. Users can also report any character, roleplay or content that breaks these rules, helping maintain a safe and creative environment for all.

Breach of Community Guidelines:

Violations of these guidelines may result in actions ranging from content removal to account suspension or termination, depending on the severity and frequency of the breach. We reserve the right to take appropriate action, with or without notice, to maintain the integrity and safety of our community.

Additional Notes: